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Olympics Suggest How to Think About Business


The 2022 Olympics opened in China earlier this month. While the number of people watching are lower, the spirit of the Olympics remains the same. It also is a symbol of what business owners should do when they run a company or write for a living.


Olympic stars do not pick up a sport and within days are the best in the world. They usually start when they are young, five or six, and continue practicing their sport until they can win the trials that get them into the Olympics. Then, they have to compete against others in their sports to win the gold and be the best in their sport.

They show great persistence to become the best. Often, they fall or lose competitions. They keep at the sport. They keep at their passion until they start winning. They are persistent. To be a best-selling author or the best in your business, you have to be persistent. You have to not let setbacks stop you from being the best. You have to keep marketing your business and your books until you have achieved your goals.


Olympic athletes also have a lot of determination. They want that gold more than anything. Some want any type of medal, but they all are determined to get it. They do what it takes to reach the top. They practice at 5 a.m. when they would rather sleep. They eat certain diets that help them with their athleticism. They are determined to do what is necessary to win.

When you are writing a book, serving as criminal defense attorney, coaching on employment issues or some other business, you have to do whatever it takes to be successful. You have to be determined to be the best.


Athletes show great compassion toward others. They understand that they could have a bad night as easily as the competitors do. They have to be leaders on the track and off the track. They often serve in their communities. They are thankful for the people who have helped them get where they are today.

Writers and business owners also should show compassion toward others. They have to help fellow authors and others in business. When they help people, like provide a testimonial video, it comes back to them. They are successful in business and life.

Despite the compassion the athletes show, the Olympic committee and the city officials showed a lack of compassion when they took water from residents to provide snow to the athletes. The Olympic committee should have chosen another city if this location didn't have enough snow or the ability to make snow. Showing compassion over money should have prevailed in this case.


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