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Vacations Can Inspire Writers, Business Owners

I am a firm believer that all business owners must take time away from their work and go on vacation. Many workaholics do not take time off from work, which usually leads to stress and heart problems. Getting away from stress and worries for a time allows you to recharge your batteries and refocus on work. Here are ways vacations can help business owners and writers. See New Things Going on vacation means you can see new things and eat different foods. In South Dakota, I ate bison burgers. They were not as fatty as regular burgers and had exceptional flavor. In Wyoming, I had yak burger from a local farm. In Montana, I ate bison lasagna. I enjoy trying new foods. My parents always wanted us to try something different. My mom loves to cook different foods when she entertains and likes to try new recipes regularly. On my trip, I saw several parks, mountains, tribal museums and history. I climbed areas that I thought I couldn't. I saw cultures, cities and vasts amounts of hills and pl

Businesses Need Strong Editing in Marketing

  If you are in business, chances are great that you use content somewhere in your marketing. You might post regularly on social media. You might send press releases. You might submit articles for publication. You might create a video and need a description. Whatever you use for your marketing, you want to make sure a professional editor has seen it before it has been sent. Here are five reasons why editors will help your marketing . Time – As business owners, you have many items competing for your time. Why let content creation be one of them? If you hire a writer to produce content for you, this will give you back time . When you also have an editor review the writer’s work, you will know that everything you are posting or submitting are correct. You need to use your time wisely. Editors and writers help you do that.   Authority – Business owners want to be experts for their brand and authorities in their industry. When you post high-quality content, you build your reputation. As

Check Out These Books for Summer Reading

 I have either ghost-wrote, co-authored or edited all these books . If you haven't checked out the books yet, you might want to consider reading them. They all will help you in some way. Let's get started. Common Sense by James E Razzino is a thought-provoking book to cut through the noise about issues affecting the United States. The government is chipping away at our rights. As authors and business owners, we should protect our freedoms and rights to say whatever we want. The book also will help you decide who to elect for Congress, president, governor, state legislatures and councils. Go to to get your copy. Are you having back pain? You should read this book before you agree to have surgery on your back. Michael Ahearn went through four back surgeries, and now his back doesn't align correctly. He has had issues stemming from the surgeries. However, The Back Bible is more than one man's account of bad surgeries. It quotes

Make Memories This Memorial Day

Every summer when I was young until my parents sold the house, we would go to Cape May, N.J. The house was built by my great-grandmother. It had two three-bedroom apartments, a one-bedroom apartment over the garage and a studio under the garage apartment and next to the actual garage. My grandmother lived upstairs until she died. Then, my parents would rent the upstairs apartment and studio for summer rentals. The garage apartment was rented all year. On Memorial Day, we would go down for the long weekend to open the house for the summer and get it ready to rent. It was a lot of work, and it usually rained that weekend. We didn't get much time at the beach that weekend, but we did get some beach time. Just being there was more relaxing that being at home. The ocean was cold too. My mother's birthday is May 29, which meant it usually fell near Memorial Day weekend, so we usually celebrated it. Her favorite cake was a strawberry shortcake, which we usually made for her. (Actually

Settings Give You Time and Place

  In addition to my editing , writing and marketing , I also coach writing for fiction and nonfiction . Many people are unsure how to start. I like to start with characters and setting. When you begin a novel, you have to decide on a setting. It is more than a place. Settings also include time of day, seasons and the year a novel takes place. Settings also could be a state of mind. For example, sometimes, novels are set in people's minds where the main character has created a world. Sci-Fi and Fantasy use people's minds as a setting a lot. Inception or Ready Player 1 are two movies that are primarily in people's minds.  All my novels take place in Philadelphia in modern day. The times and seasons fluctuate depending on what the story is. Many are near the Delaware River, which is the above picture. In my latest book, The 1776 Soldier , I have two settings, one set in fall of 1776 and one in fall of 2023. This was my first time using two different settings. It was a

Should You Eat Organic Food? Environmental Myths to Discover

Earth Day will be upon us in a couple of weeks. Throughout my journalism career , I studied and wrote writing about the environment. I thought I would share some of the myths associated with saving the environment. While I am in favor of saving our natural resources , I save the environment with balance, prayer and patience . You might not agree with me. That is fine. This country was founded on the principle that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Here are some environmental myths. 1. Go Solar -- While it is a good idea to get solar for your home and generate renewable energy, solar power is not as simple as everyone thinks. Adding solar to your home could cost you $15,000 to $50,000 up front. There are tax credits and rebates available from the states and federal government, but those programs almost always require you to shell out the money and then get reimbursed. Also, solar panels are manufactured in plants fueled with fossil fuels. They also cost a lot of

Why Daylight Time Is Not Needed

Spring is a great time of year. The colors are as vibrant as those in the fall. The difference is they are buds and blooming instead of dying and preparing for hibernation. Plants, trees and animals are breaking free from a long cold winter to enjoy longer days, warmer weather and mating season. You will see purple, pinks, white, yellow, light green, blues, red, orange and lavender. Spring is a time of renewal on the Earth and in your soul.  But, with spring also comes the dreaded Daylight Savings Time. This is a system we do not need and should outlaw. First, the name is incorrect. We aren't "saving" daylight. We are moving it to be later in the day, but the number of hours that are bright is the same in EST or EDT. During June, it is about 12-14 hours of daylight whether that day starts at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. Second, it was started for farmers and to save energy, but most of us live at our computers inside an office instead of on the farm. I would also argue that