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Showing posts from August, 2024

Vacations Can Inspire Writers, Business Owners

I am a firm believer that all business owners must take time away from their work and go on vacation. Many workaholics do not take time off from work, which usually leads to stress and heart problems. Getting away from stress and worries for a time allows you to recharge your batteries and refocus on work. Here are ways vacations can help business owners and writers. See New Things Going on vacation means you can see new things and eat different foods. In South Dakota, I ate bison burgers. They were not as fatty as regular burgers and had exceptional flavor. In Wyoming, I had yak burger from a local farm. In Montana, I ate bison lasagna. I enjoy trying new foods. My parents always wanted us to try something different. My mom loves to cook different foods when she entertains and likes to try new recipes regularly. On my trip, I saw several parks, mountains, tribal museums and history. I climbed areas that I thought I couldn't. I saw cultures, cities and vasts amounts of hills and pl

Businesses Need Strong Editing in Marketing

  If you are in business, chances are great that you use content somewhere in your marketing. You might post regularly on social media. You might send press releases. You might submit articles for publication. You might create a video and need a description. Whatever you use for your marketing, you want to make sure a professional editor has seen it before it has been sent. Here are five reasons why editors will help your marketing . Time – As business owners, you have many items competing for your time. Why let content creation be one of them? If you hire a writer to produce content for you, this will give you back time . When you also have an editor review the writer’s work, you will know that everything you are posting or submitting are correct. You need to use your time wisely. Editors and writers help you do that.   Authority – Business owners want to be experts for their brand and authorities in their industry. When you post high-quality content, you build your reputation. As